Sunday, February 01, 2009

My new baking book

When I got home there were two christmasgifts for me on the kitchen table. One Martha Stewart baking book and one book about muffins. I figure the best is to start practising right away. So this week: 2 cakes!
And yes, it is time for me to visit a hairdresser..

7 kg cat. This is Hassan 2009.

Anna and Gustav came for a visit

Before goodbye I would like to apologize for my bad spelling and ugly layout, especially in the former post. When uploading that many pictures blogspot really freaks you out...


Anonymous said...

7 Jag ska inte ha tunga lyft, tunga lyft är allt över 5 kg och därmed Hassan. Fast jag tror han väger mer =)

Ville Valross

Anonymous said...

Anna-konditor! Du är ju helt makalös i köket. Ser gott ut :-)