Friday, December 28, 2007

My christmas 2007

Celbrations three days in a row! Thats what Christmas is all about.
Saturday 22nd. mamma
sunday 23rd. pappa
monday 24th. Magnus parents
Christmas card picture for next year No 1.

mamma had made us a dessert buffé!

Christmas card picture for next year No 2.

Love between brothers and sisters

Olsson Grandma and Santa
Wallengren grandma Elsa

Ida made us this good lookin painting!

The Wallengren family

Me showing off my new dancing shoes

And my sexy man


A ticket to Rostock, Germany, from the Olsson family was taken care of. By me and Sofia. Rostock had not just low-price liquor to offer, also a very fun and beutiful christmas market with great german food (and stuff from and about Finland and scandinavia over all... why??)


Finally the computer is back in business and I can now report my (10th?) Belgium-visit that took place back in November.

It was Sidneys birthday weekend and we arrived just in time for the party in Bever. Fun fun fun. After the party a supprise waited for us in the garden; a mobile home! a huge car with beds inside!

This was a dream come true to Magnus, a bit cold though.. especially when someone (SID!!) forgot that the heatgenerator was connected to something insdie the house that SOMEONE normally used to turn of at night...

Bever is a nice and calm place with one huge horse, two crazy donkeys, some goats, white rabits and hairy black pigs.

When we got to Antwerpen for the acid techno party it got to us that it was blown of becouse of some saftey blablabla. Anyway the police was very upsetso we tok the train back to Brussels where the part continued all night on a subway station that during the nights was turned in to a gret club!
When Lotta had some time off from her dutys at Mia and school she came downtown to join us. Weeeee!
yes, we visited the important people at the European Union blocks. They did a saftey check on us before we were alowed to enter!

The mobile home

Bever horse

Bever donkeys and goat.

Frityr, Bever City. Lotta, Sidney, magnus

Magnus and Bird's Nest trying to create at Sidneys place

stars on the ground? interesting

cafe the subway club

Shrimps and clams at Mateos

Drunken people eating sushi

Inside an EU building. Portugal is the host for 2007

Cloudy and cold days in Brussels could not stop us from having the best time. Brussels is enlighten by all the wall paintings of cartonns and just verywarm colours so it's not very hard to like it even during boring wintertime. And the great food and wine makes it an even better place.Two days in a row we ate fish and clams and drank wihte wine on the St. Catrhine square at Mateos, GREAT!

Thank you Lotta and Sidney for the best stay ever! you rules.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

I just spent 2 hours ransack I found some good looking shirts and accessories for major dances that I will place on my wish-list by christmas.

The dancing today went super! We were just enough peopole for one square (normally we have at least two squares) and learned 5 new calls and it got really heavy, but so fun!

Last week our club visited Sjöbo bears club for some collective cklub dance. Luckily, Lasse, our club president, is an amateur photographer and spent some time running around clicking the camera. Unluckly though, we were photographed in the third round and the third round didn't went as planned. Someone in our square lost the thread and we were all very confused (picture No. 1) and just a couple of seconds later Magnus bumped in to a chair and tumbled down on the floor and no one dared to laugh except for the two of us. And what a laugh (picture No. 2).

everyone confused

almost back on track, but I just can't get a grip of myself

Sunday, October 28, 2007

När Hassan mötte Sally

Söndagen man ställer om klockan till vintertid skulle jag rida ut i skogen på islandshästar med Lisen. Ett barn är sjukt och allt blir inställt. Hur kul e d...
Istället tog jag o hassan vårt pick o pack o drog till smyge. Att träffa Sally var sådär roligt, och att gå på stranden nere vid bryggan va riktig hemskt. Inte som parken här hemma direkt, särskillt inte när det blåser orkanvindar. nästan. Men som valigt var det roligt att klättra i träden och nosa efter bajs o sånt.

Hassans önskelista.
Större Toalett, snyggt halsband, vinterjacka, möss, vitaminer, en fontän, godis, större transport

Denna kommande veckan ska ja gå i skola som vanligt men lägga på ett extra kål, känner att det behövs efter 4 ineffektiva dagar. Anna från Halmstad kommer på torsdag för att plugga mekanik med mig och på fredag för att dricka vin. Och på torsdag kväll missar Lotta tåget när hon kommer från Bryssel och då sover hon över här, det ska bli trevligt, och skönt (hon gillar när Hassan gör sina galenskaper, då slipper ju jag utsättas).

För övrigt tycker jag det är störigt, det här med att lägga upp bilder snyggt och bra på blogspot, det har du kanske märkt. Jag skulle vilja göra det lika snyggt som alla andra, särskillt som Lotta. Eller så skulle jag vilja ha en snygg hemsida, en sån som Lotta har. Lotta Lotta Lotta. Potta.