We expected us (like everyone else visiting a super hot country) too loose some weight during our stay becouse all the sweating and wine drinking we would do, so that we could come home fresh and whippediwhoo-light-bouncing like ping pong balls. We were so wrong... We could not resist the never ending, so good tasting and so moist stakes... Briefly, Argentina is the place for meat and wine lovers, so this was core in our trip. But oh, we did so much more! The Andes! Mountain horses! Mendoza! Wineyards! Super luxurious estancia! Tango! Buenos Aries! Buenos Aires! Buenos Aires! When we were in Buenos Aires it did not appear to us that we were in south America, it felt like Brussels, or Paris or, Rom, but huger! (is that a word? = more huge) Our favourite were palermo (where we lived) and palermo parks, and ofcourse celibrating christmas at the Robles house. At christmas eve we had our third (?) asado at th Robles, Julietas father was the chef, and it was soooo good! Asado is... giant meat sausage meat sausage meat barbeque, did I mention meat?
Ja ja, enogh talking, there is too much to say about what we fancy with argentina that it's impossible for it to fit here. So here's some pictures instead.
Ja ja, enogh talking, there is too much to say about what we fancy with argentina that it's impossible for it to fit here. So here's some pictures instead.
Mendoza, bike and wine trip :)
BA. Boca turist district
BA. Boca fottball stadium. This visit made Magnus day allthough we put ourselves in danger... we made a misstake, ok...
BA. Boca Turist district
Final night. meat wine tango
I'm speechless....Shit va häftigt!! Måste medge att jag är mer än smått avis på er nu när jag sitter o tittar ut på regnet o blåsten här i Dublin :) Härligt få ta del av allt ni upplevt!
Lycka till med vardagen på hemmaplan....
Finally!! Jättekul att se vad ni har varit med om! Hoppas bara nu inte att man måste vänta tills nästa gång ni far halva jorden runt innan du uppdaterar igen ;)
vaddå inte smal....fan, du e ju skinny om du jmf med vissa --> mej...
Tänk att vi knappast har pratat om er senaste resa... Det får vi ta igen på Lördag!
Kram Tant. S
Who is that crazy family you spent Christmas with???
be careful with latin people girl !
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