The Jazz festvial in smyge had a lot to offer. New Orleans Delight and Lee Guinnes were the coolest ever. Gospel and jazz in our church! from the left: Aunt Suss, me, Grandma, LEE GUINNES

Sidney and Lotta came for a quick visit :)

I've been invited too the turning torso for the first time (hopfully not the only)!! this is the south west wiev from floor 49.

Marie showed us the elevator (one out of many) too
Piece of art :)

After one adveture comes another: Chili eating competition! Sweaty. Heavy

Hassan met Nisse

Mange makes a wallengrenare in the wallengren pool

a nice garden. and I
On Trönning beach. Mange and Jocke! And horse feeding after a looong walk.
Swedish Derby 2007!

one of my winners! 60 swedish money richer. ..10 us

Liseberg, weeeee. Yes, we went to Gothenburg and had the best day ever in the amusement park Liseberg, lots o roller coster rides and screaming. And yes I am colouring my nails.

Happy feet out clubbing Gothenburg
Great summer you had!!
And you´ve been working on your tan I can see, good good. =)
Did I tell you I´ve became the first argentine fan of Oh Laura! jeje, yes I am, I´m listening the same song over and over again, jeje.
see ya!
Hej babesan! Hur gar studierna? Later jobbigt, men d fixar du! Jobba jobba jo-obba! Jag har borjat med europakunskapen nu (HATA). Intressant, men fick en chock nar forsta uppgiften ar att analysera den tomma stolen-krisen ur ett liberalt intergovernmentalistiskt perspektiv! What tha hell...
Hur mar Hassan? Lika galen som innan? Vara gaygrannar har skaffat 4 kattungar. PAX!
Hopas vi ses pa msn snart, sa vi far snacka av oss lite. PUSS
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