As long as Sweden remain on this line of latitude I still dont agree on the metaphore Home sweet home. In other words, the trip was superfun. It was just like on TV. Actually, just a minute ago I saw tha exact same street in Miami that I was on 5 days ago, it was in the Cuban district :) Now they showed it again! Must be a great movie.

And this is a potpurrie of our first visit in the USA; South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.

As if the fact that wall mart is huge wasen't enough, the cake fridges must match the size of the people. (This is not a mean thing to say, its a simple truth)

St.Patricks celebrations in Savannah, wikiwowow.

Savannah. Nice old houses and parks. Spring was on its way :)

What we did not know before entering the tree house hostel we were supposed to live in for 2 days was that is was also a chickens residence. So I was scared pretty much the whole stay. The boy in the pictrue was sleeping on a madress next to mee for 2 nights and he was the worst snorer i have ever heard.

But!, I learned to play pool :) we also went canoeing in the lake, and had a some time out in a huge glasshouse made for meditating and helped with vegan dinner for 30 eaters and had thankful moments (yes, we had to say things we were tahnkful for to get the meal) everynight before eating it.

Took a trip to fance pancy Jekyll island where plenty of old rich industry men had their summer houses back in the 1800.

Jekyll island beach.
Cumberland Island. What I had been waiting for all the time, a national seashoe island wih 200 wild horses and plnety of strange animals. We even saw the HOLLIDAY ARMADILLO!
an empty house. The island is uninhabbited. We bicykled about 1/4th of the island, that is about 20 km. aj aj aj.
Tailwind on the way back to the ferry, so fast!

Arriving in Orlando we noticed the whole city was turned upside down. Horrible!
a wished-for stay at the Sheplers store!

everything is big in the states

the cars too.

Finally on Key west. The bridges took about 3 hours. and all we found was... crap in the caribbean. I would not be against closing the bridges and letting the hippies rule the place. I can go to the real Cuba instead.

Miami beach. Art deco houses all over the place!

got too drunk at fancy Joes stone crab restaurant after waitin 1,5 hours in the bar just for getting a table. But it was totally worth it.

This is normal for the americans. If you dont have the enrgy to walk, take a permobil or what ever thay are called. For christ sake, do not waste any more calories than you have too.

Clubbing, Miami beach

Gulfstream park! Nice. We also went to a casino, but I rather not talk about that.

Watched baseball and ate hot dogs. 2 hours, and the Mets had 1 point. Pretty slow game.

Went to Coral gables in Miami and found a great venetzian pool

and the hotel i wanne spend weeks in. The Biltmore!

Hip hop clubs in Miami aren't hip hop clubs without the dancers. Magnus paradise.

we left Miami on a wednesday, the thursday was the start of a huge music convention that attracts musicpeople from everywhere! crappy thing we did not stay for another week. But we met the ones that arrived one day earlier to party (NY Dj's) yeah

Couldn't leave Miami without eating at Hannas gourmet diner. Sean Connerys hang out place.
Other places we have eaten: Dairy Queen, Versille, Wendys, dennys, IHOP (International House of pancakes), FAT BURGER (BEST BURGER EVER!!), Dunkin dounuts, KFC, Cracker Barrel, plenty of Cuban restaurants and a place called fockers something (they hade the best Milkshake!)