I just spent 2 hours ransack sheplers.com. I found some good looking shirts and accessories for major dances that I will place on my wish-list by christmas.
The dancing today went super! We were just enough peopole for one square (normally we have at least two squares) and learned 5 new calls and it got really heavy, but so fun!
Last week our club visited Sjöbo bears club for some collective cklub dance. Luckily, Lasse, our club president, is an amateur photographer and spent some time running around clicking the camera. Unluckly though, we were photographed in the third round and the third round didn't went as planned. Someone in our square lost the thread and we were all very confused (picture No. 1) and just a couple of seconds later Magnus bumped in to a chair and tumbled down on the floor and no one dared to laugh except for the two of us. And what a laugh (picture No. 2).

everyone confused

almost back on track, but I just can't get a grip of myself